BLEM ** Some decks have the tiniest storage marks, a light scratch or mark from being moved around on the shelves or display – still new, just 99.5/100 **

Released nearly a decade ago – Its 2025 and we have a batch of these brand new hollow tech Wolf Shark decks! Sold out at $358USD through USA, these might be the last ones on the planet. Just 20 decks and theyre gone!


Wolfgang Coleman is pretty darn gnarly, so you can expect this thing to be the same. With super aggressive radial concave, micro-drops, flush-mounting, rocker, symmetrical concave, and nice, fat, non-intrusive W-Concave, throwing super long, scary, toesides has never been easier. Hopefully you don’t highside like Wolfgang though, that’s whack. This thing now comes in Landyachtz’s Hollow Tech Construction, to keep it strong and light, making it easier to do whirlies and twirlies down your local hill.

The re-issue graphic is a throwback to when longboarding seemed harder and 1/10 people could do standup slides. Good times… Good Times…


For your comfort, this board features a non-intrusive W-concave that cradles the arches of your foot.

Designed for:
Downhill | Freeride | Fast Freeride | Racing



  • Top Mounted
  • Length – 35.5″ | 90 cm
  • Width – 10” | 25.5 cm
  • Wheelbase – 22.7” – 27.7″ | 57.5 cm – 70.5 cm

Construction: 9 Plies of Maple | Fiberglass | Landyachtz Hollowtech Construction

Concave: Micro-Drops | Steep Radial Concave | Non-Intrusive W Concave | Symmetrical Standing Platform | Big Wheel Wells | Rocker | Flush Mounting

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 100 × 32 × 15 cm

Kats Rack